The Tactical Athlete.
Police. Fire. Military. Healthcare.
ABOUT The Tactical
Strong First Responders.
Safe Citizens.
Healthy City.
Do your police officers get back pain from the belt and long hours in the car?
Do your fire fighters get injured in backs, knees, neck, and shoulders due to unpredictable circumstances on the job with equipment?
How long has it been since your team members passed the physical performance tests for these occupations?
Do they really have the metabolic (cardiovascular) health to perform at the levels they were tested at?
Nurses, Emergency Medical Teams? Long hours on your feet. Moving patients? Is your team walking around injured....working not at full capacity.
Do all of these folks suffer from anxiety, depression, or simple stress overload due to the needs of the job?
Tactical Strength and Conditioning’ is a term used for the use of specific training for police, fire, medical and military occupations.
Injury resilience, living pain free, and cardio-metabolic health as well as
physical performance are imperative in these occupations.
In other jobs, production is at stake. Here, lives are at stake.
Benefits of the RootHealth Workplace Wellness Program for the Tactical Athlete
The Public
Our police, fire, and military represent us. Healthcare represents health. The public sees healthy, competent and capable representatives.
Mental Health
Better physical condition relates heavily to mental health and how your employees perform out in the field.
Chronic Pain
Chronic Pain is very prevalent for first responders and military personelle. Correcting chronic pain is job one!
Workers Comp. and Insurance
Workers comp claims are significantly minimized with our programs. As well, life insurance and health insurance is positively affected.
Out in the field, the first responder should be an athlete. The physical state of a worker can be lifesaving!
Our Services and Digital Products
Health Assessment
Condition Specific Programs
Our programs are specifically designed for each job and the conditions that go along with them.
We have training programs specifically to keep up the condition from the police and fire tests.
On-Site Services
Integrated manual therapies for chronic pain and health/performance counseling can be performed by a specialist at your facility.
Online Programs
Employees have access to our virtual planform for prescriptive exercise programs, tracking, nutrition, and more
Medi-fit Advisors
Either on-line or on-site
Facility Design
Health, fitness, performance, and wellness education can be provided via online courses, blogs, articles, newsletters, and other mediums.